Monday, January 24, 2011


~ Little Miss Annabelle~
Had fun making this sweet doll~
She has the sweetest smile~
Remember to ~**~ Enjoy the Present~**~

Sunday, January 23, 2011

~**~Great Finds ~**~

Found this at our little
Morro Bay Antique Mall!
This one little lady has the
~Best little things~
and super good prices!
Was fun LOOKING thru her goodies~
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
I'm off to sew on a little dress!
Remember to~**~Enjoy the Present~**~

Saturday, January 15, 2011

~**~Life is Good~**~

Newest addition to Our Family~
~**~Meet Jayce~**~
My cousin Joyce's 1st Grandbaby..
So ~ Jayce would be my 3rd cousin.
He is a Sweetie
I'm sure his
~**~Grandma will be spoiling him~**~
Congratulations Joyce and Lance
He is Beautiful~
Many Happy Times ahead!
Remember to ~**~Enjoy The Present~**~

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Friday, January 14, 2011


This is a gift from a Friend!
I love them!
Thank You , Donna!

It''s Almost February!
Time to celebrate ~Love~
This is my Valentine Tree~
~**~Love is Kind~**~
Everyone have a great weekend !
Be Safe
Rememver to ~**~Enjoy The Present~**~

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time Worn~**~

~*~ Old Barn~*~
Today , I would like to spend a day in the time of
this Barn!
I'm sure a more Simple Life..
When life was Simple.
Ok~ I'm done dreaming!
Remember to ~*~ Enjoy the Present~*~

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

~*~ Sunshine and Sand ~*~

We went for a walk on the beach today!
We saw so many pretty things.
~God is Good~
~The Crane~
They are the most Beautiful Birds..
Look at those Fluffy Tail Feathers!

OH Miss Emma!
Look at you running!
You are the Sweetest Dog EVER~
She had a ball running at the beach!
Such Fun~ Thank you Emma for your company!~

~*~The California Poppy~*~

~*~Our Sweet Morro Bay Otters~*~
They are always floating in the Bay.
Hope you all are having a great day.
Remember to~*~ Enjoy the Present!~*~

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It's Hump Day~**~

~**~I Like this~**~
Gosh the weekend is just around the corner!
The weather is suppose to be
Looking forward to it!
Have a Wonderful Day Friends!
Remember to ~**~ Enjoy The Present ~**~

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Monday, January 10, 2011


I had a great day ~Painting~
Got this little table at a garage sale...Cheap~
Was an ugly brown.. Yippie~ Looks lot's better!

Mike made this box years ago!
It was painted blue~ Was tired of it so I made a
~*~Lipton Tea Box~*~
For Mikes Tea Bags!

Anyone for Tea??
I love to have special boxes for this and that!
Hope everyone has a Wonderful Day!
Remember to ~**~ Enjoy the Present~**~

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It's a Beautiful Cold Monday~
Sitting here thinking I should get Busy.
What shall I do?
Some days ya just run out of ideas.
I'm sure I will figure it out.
In the mean time you all have a
~**~Wonderful Day~**~
Make someone ~SMILE~ today..
Remember to ~ Enjoy ~*~The Present...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Seagull~**~

~*~The Seagull~*~
Gotta love the Seagulls...
I think this guy is in deep thought!
It's a Beautiful Day here today!
Nice walk... Going to finish up a Sampler!
Counting my ~Blessings~
Remember to~Enjoy The Present~

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Friday, January 7, 2011


~**~It's Friday~**~
Hooray for the weekend coming !
These are my little Tags I made with my
Cricut~ I got for Christmas!
So Fun..
~Have a Wonderful Weekend Friends~
Remember~*~ Enjoy ~The Present~

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Beautiful Day~**~

What a Beautiful Day we have been given~**~
Thinking I will just ~
~Do What Make's Me Happy~
Maybe plant some pretty flowers ~
Enjoy~**~ The Present!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


NO~*~ This is not my house!
But I sure would like to be this organized!
I have been organizing for the last 3 days!
Got my sewingroom/guest room done today!
Sigh~~ Will start some more small projects
Remember to~Enjoy ~The Present~

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

~*~ Just Pretty ~*~

Just had to share this
It was just Beautiful!
~Pretty~Great Shot~
Love this one Mike!
He gets the best pictures!

I love the clouds!

God is Good~**~
All the Time!
Have a wonderful day!
Remember to ~Enjoy ~**~ The Present

Monday, January 3, 2011

~**~ Organizing Today~**~

This is NOT my house!
But I would like to be Organized like this!
So~ Today I am going to organize
The Sewingroom/Bedroom
~ Have a Good Day everyone~
Remember to ~Enjoy~**~The Present~**~

Sunday, January 2, 2011

~**~ A Bit of Football Today~**~

It is a rainy cold day today!
Perfect for a day of
Hoping you are all having a nice Sunday~
Enjoy~**~The Present~**~