I So remember Easter Thyme when the girls were little....Was always fun looking for the right little Easter Outfit...Had to have the little hat and the little patton leather shoes...Oh! and the socks had to be just perfect with the lace...And the baskets had to be just right with all the little goodies in it...And Daddy had to have the Popcorn Bunnie!
The Easter Bunny had to have the little tiny tiny fluffy chicks to set just right in the Easter Basket....AND ya had to have lots of Jelly Beans for you and our Dog Sammy....Oh how he loved those Jelly Beans....We had so much fun dying the Easter Eggs! Red hands and all.....The smell of vinegar, yes that was always a sign it was Easter......Goodness how time flies...The Easter Bunny would hide the Eggs oh so special.....ONLY to find in the morning one Easter ...that Our Special Dog Sammy had ate the Eggs...
Was not good! But we loved him so much we did not care....Always had to have a BBQ and be with Family! Our Easters are still very special with with all the grandkids.....and they are all getting big..Goodness I need some Great Grandkids now.....Something to look very forward too.....Smiles~*~Birdy